The southern part of the Flemish Pass Basin lies between the productive Jeanne d’Arc Basin (Whiterose, Hebron, Terra Nova and Hibernia Fields) and the soon-to-be-developed northern Flemish Pass (Bay du Nord). This frontier area has attracted major investment in exploration licences. There is an industry need to maximise information gleaned from limited well penetrations and resolve ambiguities (released interpretations vary widely). A refined and robust integrated stratigraphic and provenance model as developed herein will assist play fairway mapping.
Future Geoscience provides a unique, fully integrated stratigraphic solution that will assist correlation between continental/marginal marine and fully marine facies based on integration of quantitative biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, mineralogy, zircon ages and heavy mineral provenance combined with E- log data.
This multi-disciplinary stratigraphic study focuses on 16 wells (see list above). The wells selected are primarily located in the southern Flemish Pass and adjacent eastern Jeanne d’Arc Basin, including 2 key Whiterose wells. Inclusion of Hebron M-04 provides ties to the central Jeanne d’Arc Basin. The addition of Bay du Nord C-78 to the north provides a link across the unexplored central Flemish Pass.
The multidisciplinary workflow includes a thorough review of released data and substantial program of new analyses including quantitative micropalaeontology, nannopalaeontology & palynology. ICP, XRD and QEM-SCAN mineral analysis enable significant refinement of the stratigraphic framework. High resolution forensic provenance investigations, using zircon U-Pb dating and heavy mineral analysis allow assessment of changes in sediment provenance and depositional facies, water depth and source rock potential. This study also affords an opportunity to re- evaluate long-standing lithostratigraphy schemes developed in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin.
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The report is in digital pdf format. Data will be delivered in digital Spotfire, StrataBugs, WellCAD and/or IC format, as required.