Recent discoveries in Jurassic and Cretaceous sequences offshore eastern Canada have intensified exploration with new sectors opening to the south‐east of Newfoundland in the Carson Basin (NL01‐SEN) and undrilled Salar Basin (NL02‐SEN). To help evaluate lease options in upcoming licensing rounds, a refined and robust integrated stratigraphic and provenance model have been completed to enable improved play fairway mapping along the south‐eastern margin of the Grand Banks.
Future Geoscience provides a unique fully integrated stratigraphic solution that will assist correlation between continental and marine facies based on integration of quantitative biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, mineralogy, heavy mineral provenance and C‐O isotope stratigraphy combined with E‐log data.
This multi‐disciplinary stratigraphic study focuses on 9 wells (listed above) located in or surrounding the Carson Basin, and extending along the South Bank High. In addition, published data from ODP Site 1276A is reviewed and integrated into an upgraded regional stratigraphic framework, calibrated to the latest Geological Timescale (GTS 2016).
The workflow includes a thorough review of released biostratigraphic data and substantial program of new biostratigraphic analyses (quantitative micropalaeontology, nannopalaeontology & palynology). Chemostratigraphy analyses are concentrated in older (less fossiliferous) successions and new C‐O isotope data also provides independent chronostratigraphic control. XRD and MLA mineral analysis enable significant refinement of the stratigraphic framework. A new stratigraphic framework is used to constrain high resolution forensic provenance investigations, using zircon U/Pb dating and RAMAN heavy
mineral analysis. This data allows assessment of changes in sediment provenance and depositional facies, water depth and source rock potential.
Delivery format
The report is in digital pdf format. Data can be delivered in digital Spotfire, StrataBugs, WellCAD and/or IC format, as required.
Completed : August 2019
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