Ehsan is Operation Director of the Future Geoscience with over 17 years’ experience in petroleum industry consulting, offshore services and academia. He completed a Ph.D. on clay mineralogy in modern sedimentary environment and provenance studies (Liverpool, 2011) and master’s degree in hydrogeology (water resources modelling and management). His experiences including General Manager, Operation Manager, Sales and BD director, Senior Mineralogist, Project Geoscientist Project Coordinator, Business Development Specialist and University Lecture, all at Oil & Gas, Mining and Offshore business sectors. Ehsan is well experienced in PM, BD, data management, provenance studies and quantitative mineralogy using QEMSCAN, XRD, SEM, BSE/EDS, FTIR, ICPs, XRF techniques in reservoir quality analysis, mineral & resource exploration and reservoir characterization studies within main reservoirs and basins. He has diverse experience, having worked on coordinating and managing propriety, multidisciplinary and multi-client projects focusing on regional studies (clastics and carbonates, oil sands and shale gas) at North Sea, West of Shetland, Irish Sea, Norwegian Sea, Barent Sea, SEA, Canada, United States, Greenland, Gulf of Mexico, Caspian Sea, Middle East, and Africa. Ehsan’s prime expertise include team leadership, sedimentology, integrated stratigraphy and correlation, mineralogy, provenance, and diagenetic studies (conventional and unconventional); mineralogy applications along with marketing and sales. He has provided offshore services worldwide, with extensive experience throughout the North Sea and MENA. Ehsan’s supervised couple of graduate and undergraduate students working on sediment-water interactions focusing on chemical and mineralogical analysis.